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How Effective Are Alternative Mouse Control Strategies | Arizona Mouse Control Experts

Mice are one of the most common household pests, and getting rid of them whenever they enter the home is a top priority. There are plenty of control methods and strategies available, but some are better than others, and in this article, we’re going to take a look at some alternative mouse control strategies to see just how effective they really are.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oil is used to repel a variety of pests, including rodents. This oil smells nice, is not toxic in small quantities, and it can be found in most health food and grocery stores at an affordable price. It is also effective at repelling mice from certain areas of the home, because mice hate the smell of peppermint. You can even grow peppermint in your garden if you have one, to keep rodents out. However, mice are desperate creatures, and they will overcome their disgust of peppermint if they need to reach food or shelter. So while peppermint can be used to protect certain areas of the home, it will not deter an infestation, prevent mice from entering the home, or prevent them from reaching food.

Dried animal feces

Mice will do everything in their power to avoid areas that are inhabited by their predators. As such, the smell of cats, snakes and even dogs in certain situations, are a good deterrent against mouse infestations, and using dried animal feces can be effective. In particular, you can use dried snake feces to keep mice away. However, finding feces, handling them, and having them around the home is not a very practical solution. Having a pet cat can be a good deterrent, but it will not be able to stop an infestation that has already occurred. The same goes for dried animal feces.

Ultrasonic rodent repellents

There are a ton of products on the market, both traps and repellents, which seem like they are too good to be true. One of these products is the ultrasonic rodent repellent, which is claimed to generate an imperceptible ultrasonic sound that is highly distressing to mice. In practice however, not only do mice get used to it after a while, the ultrasonic sound does not penetrate walls, so it can only be used in one room of the home. These devices are definitely not a viable control option.

The most effective rodent control methods are those employed by pest control professionals, and they rely on trapping and poisoning. If you have a rodent infestation that needs to be removed, contact us today.

