Fleas really enjoy sucking blood, and they will usually latch on to our pets in order to find their meals. Not only can they spread from there and infect us as well, they can also spread diseases to both humans and animals, so getting rid of the fleas as soon as possible is essential. Here are some of the signs that your dog may have fleas:
Your dog scratches more often than usual
The first sign that your dog has fleas is in its behavior. If you notice that the dog is scratching, chewing or biting at its fur more often than usual, and on a consistent basis, then it might mean that it has fleas.
You can spot fleas and flea bites on a closer inspection
Once you’ve noticed a change in behavior, you can take a closer look at your dog’s skin. While fleas are tiny, they can be spotted with the naked eye, and they measure around 0.1 to 0.3 centimeters. If you part the dog’s fur and start looking for the fleas on its skin, you might start to notice these small insects. You can also use flea combs to find out if the dog is infested. These combs have very tightly spaced teeth which will pull the fleas out of the fur. During this inspection process, you can check for flea bites as well. If you check the areas where the dog is routinely scratching or biting itself, you will likely be able to spot the small red bumps that are an indicator.
You notice “flea dirt”
Flea dirt is the digested blood that fleas leave behind, and it looks like a granular material that is dark in coloration. If you start to notice this dirt around the home, or on your dog, you can collect some of it, and add water. If it turns red due to the water, this signifies that you are dealing with blood that has been digested by fleas.
What to do if your dog has fleas
If your dog has fleas, you have a range of products at your disposal that can help you get rid of them, including oral medications and collars. However, if the fleas have spread from your dog into the home, then you might have a full-blown infestation on your hands. Flea infestations grow rapidly, so it’s best to control them as soon as possible. Contact us today if you think that you may have a flea infestation.