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Signs you Have Pack Rats: How to Identify and Deal with Infestations

Are you noticing strange sounds coming from your attic or garage, or seeing small piles of debris around your home? If so, you might be dealing with a pack rat infestation. Pack rats, also known as wood rats, are common in many parts of the world and can cause serious damage to your property if left unchecked. In this article, we will explore the signs that you may have pack rats and discuss effective methods for dealing with these pests.

What are Pack Rats?

Pack rats are a type of rodent known for their tendency to collect and hoard various materials, such as twigs, leaves, and paper, for their nests. They are found in many parts of the world, including North America, and can grow up to 10 inches in length, with a bushy tail that is around the same length as their body. Pack rats are generally nocturnal, so they can be difficult to spot during the day.

Signs of Pack Rat Infestations

There are several signs that you may have a pack rat infestation in your home. Here are some of the most common ones:

Piles of Debris

Pack rats are known for collecting and hoarding various materials, which can include anything from sticks and leaves to bits of metal and plastic. If you notice small piles of debris around your property, particularly near your garage, attic, or crawl spaces, it could be a sign that pack rats have taken up residence in your home.

Strange Sounds

Do you hear strange scratching or rustling sounds coming from your walls, attic, or garage? This could be a sign that pack rats are living in your home. These pests are nocturnal, so they tend to be most active at night.

Nests and Burrows

Pack rats build nests and burrows using the materials they collect. These nests can be found in various places around your property, such as in your attic, garage, or crawl spaces. They can also build burrows in the ground outside.

Chewing Marks

Pack rats have strong teeth and jaws, which they use to chew through various materials. If you notice chew marks on items around your home, such as wood, paper, or plastic, it could be a sign that pack rats are present.

Why You Should Deal with Pack Rat Infestations

Pack rats can cause serious damage to your property if left unchecked. They can chew through electrical wiring, which can lead to fires. They can also damage insulation, woodwork, and other materials in your home. Additionally, pack rats can carry diseases, such as hantavirus, which can be transmitted to humans.

How to Deal with Pack Rats

There are several methods you can use to deal with pack rats. Here are some of the most effective ones:


Prevention is key when it comes to dealing with pack rats. Make sure to seal up any cracks or holes in your home’s foundation, walls, and roof. Keep your property free of clutter, and avoid leaving out food or water sources that could attract pack rats.

Traps and Baits

Traps and baits can be effective in catching and killing pack rats. There are several types of traps such as snap traps and glue traps that you can use to catch pack rats. You can also use baits, such as poisoned food or water, to kill pack rats. However, it is important to use caution when using baits, as they can also harm other animals and pets.

Professional Extermination

If you have a severe pack rat infestation, you may need to hire a professional exterminator. They can use more powerful traps and baits, as well as other methods such as fumigation, to get rid of pack rats. However, this can be expensive and may require you to temporarily leave your home.

Cleaning and Repairing Damages

Once you have successfully dealt with the pack rat infestation, it is important to clean and repair any damages they may have caused. This can include repairing chewed wires and woodwork, cleaning up debris and droppings, and disinfecting the affected areas to remove any potential health hazards.

Pack rats can cause serious damage to your property and pose a health risk to you and your family. It is important to be aware of the signs of a pack rat infestation and take action to deal with it as soon as possible. By taking preventative measures, using traps and baits, and hiring a professional exterminator if necessary, you can effectively get rid of pack rats and protect your home.


  1. How can I prevent pack rats from infesting my home?
  • You can prevent pack rats from infesting your home by sealing up any cracks or holes in your home’s foundation, walls, and roof, keeping your property free of clutter, and avoiding leaving out food or water sources that could attract pack rats.
  1. What should I do if I have a pack rat infestation?
  • If you have a pack rat infestation, you should take action to deal with it as soon as possible. This can include using traps and baits, hiring a professional exterminator, and cleaning and repairing any damages they may have caused.
  1. Can pack rats carry diseases?
  • Yes, pack rats can carry diseases, such as hantavirus, which can be transmitted to humans.
  1. Are pack rats dangerous?
  • Pack rats can be dangerous as they can cause serious damage to your property and carry diseases. It is important to deal with a pack rat infestation as soon as possible to protect your home and your health.
  1. How can I tell if I have a pack rat infestation?
  • Some signs of a pack rat infestation include small piles of debris around your property, strange sounds coming from your walls, attic, or garage, nests and burrows around your property, and chew marks on items around your home.
